Where Does Your Money Go?

Here’s a nice chart provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interesting that they clump pensions with insurance, but still both only account for 10% of the average income. 34% going for housing seems high to me too. But we all know people who spend more than that for their house. I wonder if entertainment includes vacations. Nice to know that not purchasing tobacco and alcoholic beverages only amounts to 1.5% of total income, I guess.


With the cost of cable TV so high, I doubt the entertainment amount

About Gandalfe

Just an itinerant saxophonist trying to find life between the changes. I have retired from the Corps of Engineers and Microsoft. I am an admin on the Woodwind Forum, run the Seattle Solid GOLD Big Band (formerly the Microsoft Jumpin' Jive Orchestra) a GOLD sax quartet, and enjoy time with family and friends.
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